Sustainability is about giving back more than you take.
Valle Escondido is a regenerative education center, using tourism as a modilty to support the world we share.
Our Practices
Skylights and windows are placed in guest rooms and common spaces to maximize the use of natural light
Solar collectors on the buildings provide hot water for hotel rooms
A solar air-drying facility is used for hotel linens and towels to reduce the use of gas or electric dryers
Energy-saving lighting is used, included low wattage bulbs, presence-detecting lights, and photovoltaic lamps
Cleaning products used at Valle Escondido are 100 % biodegradable including soaps, detergents, & disinfectants.
We do not use pesticides, herbicides, or fungicides in any form
All food that is grown on the property is 100% organic
Valle Escondido grounds and plants are treated with organic bio ferments and organic fertilizers made on-site
Landfill reduction - all waste is managed and recycled, we do the best we can to avoid any waste that will wind up in landfill
Nonrecyclable plastics are used to make eco-bricks that are used for construction projects
Our paper waste and cardboard are used for composting and generating healthy soil
Used kitchen oil and plastic containers are repurposed
On-site we provide several different examples of composting techniques and the production of organic fertilizers
Rainwater collection is used for our greenhouses and growing terraces and garden beds.
Grey Water management – wastewater from our restaurant, laundry, and hotel rooms is collected and filtered with added active probiotics through a series of living terraces.
Aquaculture- we grow our own tilapia on-site and use that water for fertilizing garden beds
Reforestation - to date we've planted over 1700 endemic species of trees here in our preserve and many native fruiting trees to attract birds and animals.
We are a registered private nature reserve that protects 16 hectares (40 acres) of land.
Hotel guests are offered to offset their travel carbon footprint by supporting reforestation efforts in Costa Rica
Supplies for the restaurant and hotel are sourced as local as possible
We are engaged in community programs and regular financial contributions or donate our time, and farm produce, to support community initiatives
All staff are trained in Non-Violent Communication to help support a sustainable working environment and the community
Our reserve trails are free for locals and our restaurant offers local discounts to the community
Our classroom space and hotel areas are provided free of charge as a community meeting space and for community benefits
Our Sister Nonprofit AVER donates and installs small greenhouses built from repurposed materials for local schools and offers sustainable workshops for children and school staff free of charge
This project has been 3 years in the making! It a website dedicated to sharing practices, methods and designs to support living in this world in a regenerative way. Take time to enjoy, learn and share. If you have any feedback please let us know. This is a combined initiative between AVER our sister nonprofit and Valle Escondido. ENJOY!
(Its a large site so please give it time to load)
Click on the following links to find ways to get involved and support a healthy future for Monteverde
Valle Escondido Integrated Policy
Valle Escondido is a company dedicated to the creation of rural tourism experiences in the Monteverde community, through the enjoyment of the service provided par excellence and the protection of the natural environment. Our vision is to promote regenerative practices through responsible tourism, to this end, we are committed to:
1. Quality of commitment:
to offer the national and foreign visitor an experience in harmony with nature, integrating our organizational values through gratitude to what sustains life, inspiring creativity by promoting joy, curiosity, connection with nature, and openness to constant change. Working with a firm commitment to provide quality service and continuous improvement that promotes more accessible tourism, while rejecting all forms of commercial sexual exploitation of children and adolescents, as well as all forms of abuse and exploitation present in the tourism industry.
2. Commitment of human resources:
to ensure employee selection processes that avoid any form of discrimination, and incorporate disadvantaged groups in all possible positions, integrating gender, age, diversity and inclusive employment practices to facilitate the integration of people with disabilities. Likewise, we assume a firm commitment of capacitation and training our work team, as well as a safe work environment that avoids and sanctions any conduct of sexual harassment to offer a high-quality service, sensitized and humanized according to the diverse needs of society.
3. Commitment to sustainability:
to operate with a commitment to improving environmental performance, complying with legal requirements and other voluntary requirements that are assumed to be obligatory, in order to ensure the protection of the environment, of forbidden, threatened and endangered species, including pollution prevention, sustainable use of resources, mitigation and adaptation to climate change, protection and regeneration of biodiversity, and ecosystems, as well as the protection of cultural, historical, and archeological heritage. In addition, commitment to promoting the local development of the community of Monteverde and its surroundings as we establish rigorous processes for selecting suppliers to ensure support for:
the local economy
the entrepreneurship of women, families, people with disabilities, and other vulnerable social groups
the use and marketing of organic products
fair working conditions
certified or award-winning products and services, which in turn rejects the monoculture industry and avoids the use of products generated by transnational companies.